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Play Chromakopia text Game online

A text based adventure game

Controls of Chromakopia Text Game

The basic commands you can input to play the text-adventure example are:
  • help - prints out the help for this game
  • clear - clears the terminal
  • look/l - will show you the title and description of the room
  • look [item/feature] - will show you the description of a feature of the room or a specific item
  • inventory/i - prints out the list of items currently held by the player
  • take/get [item] - removes an item from the room and puts it in the player inventory
  • drop [item] - removes an item from the player inventory and puts it in the current room
  • setting/settings - will print out the available settings
  • zipmode - will toggle zip mode
  • hintmode - will toggle hint mode
  • debug - used for seeing raw data
  • inventory - will print out the JSON representation of all items in the inventory
  • room - will print out the JSON representation of the current room and all items in the room
  • bug - will open a browser page to input issues
  • north/n - will call the north function on a room, which typically moves the user to another room
  • south/s - will call the south function on a room, which typically moves the user to another room
  • east/e - will call the east function on a room, which typically moves the user to another room
  • west/w - will call the west function on a room, which typically moves the user to another room
This list is not exhaustive, since every item and every room can specify any additional functions to be made available to the user. Commands like water can be used with the watering can, or up and down, or northwest and southeast are also valid commands if applicable in relation to the current room or items in the room or inventory.